COPAN eSwab®

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COPAN eSwab®


COPAN eSwab®

Copan Liquid Amies Elution Swab (eSwab®) is our multipurpose medium designed for collecting and transporting swab specimens from the collection site to the testing laboratory. eSwab® stabilizes the viability of aerobes, anaerobes, and fastidious bacteria from swab specimens for bacterial culture. Additionally, it can be used to preserve bacterial, viral, or Chlamydial antigens and nucleic acids from swab specimens for antigen and molecular testing.

  • Advanced stability and preservation – eSwab® stabilized the viability of all the organisms tested for 48 hours at room and refrigerated temperature, except for Neisseria gonorrhoeae cultures, which should be processed within 24 hours.
  • eSwab® is compliant with CLSI M40-A2 standard
  • Multiple testing capabilities - eSwab® is compatible with a broad range of downstream testing applications.
  • Scientific soundness - eSwab® has been cited in more than 120 peer-reviewed papers
  • Versatile - eSwab® is available in combination with different swab geometry to fit any collection site
  • Various applications: NAAT, Automated and manual culture, Antigen detection